Re-translating Homer: Why and How


Location: 101 DeBartolo Hall

Emily Wilson Event Poster

Re-translating Homer: Why and How

Emily Wilson

Professor of Classical Studies University of Pennsylvania

Thursday, April 25

5:15 p.m.

101 Debartolo Hall

A world-renowned classicist, Emily Wilson will be delivering the Katheleen Cannon O.P. Distinguished Lectureship. Wilson is a leading voice in translations of classical texts, and has translated Greek poet Homer’s prominent works such as the Iliad and Odyssey . She has contributed articles and essays to various publications such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time, and The Paris Review, and her research includes tragedy, epics, genre, gender, poetics and literary theory. The lecture is co-sponsored by the Program of Liberal Studies, Classics, Medieval Institute, and Italian Studies.