Kent Emery, Jr.

Professor Emeritus, Program of Liberal Studies


Ph.D. (English/Medieval Studies), University of Toronto

M.A. (English), University of Toronto

B.A. (English), University of Virginia

Research and Teaching Interests

History of medieval philosophy and theology


Professor Emery's research concerns the history of medieval philosophy and theology and the critical edition of texts in those subjects. He has published numerous articles, books, and edited texts and has received many grants and fellowships for his research. In the Program of Liberal Studies, he taught five of the Great Books Seminars and the tutorials in Intellectual and Cultural History and Christian Theological Tradition; in the Medieval Institute, he taught graduate courses in manuscript studies, textual editing, and the history of medieval philosophy and theology. He served as Asst.-Assoc. Prof. at The Citadel from 1972-79 and Asst.-Assoc. Prof., Director at the Center for Contemplative Studies, University of Dallas from 1979-85, before coming to the Program of Liberal Studies in 1985.

Phone: 574-631-6110
Office: 540 Flanner Hall