Honors and Awards

The Otto A. Bird Award

"Cum Musis, id est cum humanitate et doctrina" [...communion with the muses, that is to say with liberal education and refinement...] - Cicero, Tusculan Disputations

The Otto A. Bird Award, named after the founder and first director of the Program, is given each year to the student who has written the finest senior thesis.

The Susan Clements Scholarship

The Susan Clements Award is named for a remarkable graduate of the Program who died tragically in 1992. Endowed by the Clements family, the award is given annually to a senior woman in the Program who exemplifies Susan Clements' qualities of scholarly achievement, industry, compassion, and service.

The Edward J. Cronin Award

"…getting all the lovely words just right." - Professor Edward Cronin

The Edward J. Cronin Award is named after a teacher who, for many years, upheld the importance of excellent writing in the Program. It is given annually to a PLS student who, in the opinion of a committee of outside judges, has submitted the finest piece of writing in the previous year.

The Frederick Crosson Scholarship

This fund was established in memory of Professor Frederick Crosson, former director of the General Program of Liberal Studies, dean of the College of Arts & Letters, and longstanding faculty member. In honor of Prof. Crosson's dedication to teaching and care for his students, the Crosson Scholarship provides annual support to one or more PLS juniors with financial need.

The Willis D. Nutting Award

"And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche." - Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales

The Willis D. Nutting Award honors a teacher who for two decades in the General Program was devoted to the love of wisdom. The award was established in 1970, at the time of Dr. Nutting's retirement, by alumni and faculty. The award is given annually to the Program of Liberal Studies senior who best embodies the department’s high teaching and learning ideals.

The Stephen Rogers Award

The Stephen Rogers Award is given annually to a Program graduate for the purpose of graduate study. Applicants will be eligible up to five years after graduation. Proof of admission or current enrollment required. The award is not intended to support professional degrees. The award will be given on the basis of demonstrated academic excellence and potential. The award is named after a renowned teacher who, though blind, was a remarkable asset to the Program. It has been endowed by alumni who were students of Professor Rogers.